Innovative HR & Recruitment Solutions

We are revolutionizing the recruitment industry using cutting-edge R&D and AI-driven tools.

Experience the Next Generation of Recruitment

Transforming Talent Acquisition, One Algorithm at a Time

Unlocking Talent Potential

Our AI technology utilizes powerful algorithms to sift through a vast pool of candidates, identifying the most promising individuals based on their skills, experiences, and cultural fit. By automating the candidate sourcing process, we streamline recruitment efforts, allowing you to focus on the best-suited candidates.

Personalized Recruitment Approach

Tailoring recruitment strategies to meet your unique needs is our specialty, through AI-powered solutions designed to adapt to the specific requirements of your industry. From crafting targeted job postings to implementing personalized outreach campaigns, we ensure that your recruitment efforts resonate with top talent, driving better outcomes for your organization.

Informed Decision Making

Make confident hiring decisions backed by data-driven insights. Our AI algorithms analyze recruitment data to provide valuable intelligence on candidate suitability, market trends, and recruitment performance. By leveraging this information, you can make informed decisions throughout the hiring process.

Our Projects

Here are our pioneering projects, exemplifying our dedication to revolutionize the recruitment landscape through cutting-edge AI solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each industry.

Advanced Medical Job Board for Polish Market

Rekruteo ATS

Robust solution for tracking Gen-Z candidates




Team Members


Happy Customers

Meet the Team

Meet our team of our dedicated professionals responsible for making our mission a reality.

Rafał Stachowiak

ML Engineer

Krzysztof Luty


Izabela Kołodziej

HR Director

Chris Jarosz

Head of Sales

Michał Klincewicz

Head of Product

Julia Pedynkowska

HR Development Specialist


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